Tangent Podcast with Mike and Jonny: S02E15 – Antisemitism Rocks!

Posted: September 23, 2016 by Maximum Mike in Tangent Podcast, The Vault

In which we realize that the fun in funeral is misleading, take umbrage with blocked retorts, watch some murders, weigh in on Brangela (which we apologize for) and defend undefendable films.

  1. Joe B. says:

    Defense of Marriage Act is the concept that marriage should only be between a man and woman. Even a controversial issue with conservatives

  2. Joe B. says:

    Pitch King
    Tommy Callahan and Billy Madison, since they are rich, are asked to join forces to get a Mike Donnelly from Black Sheep elected President of United States. They hire Garth Algar and Wayne Campbell as media consultants, Beldar Conehead as their Foreign Affairs adviser. The Lone Rangers from Airheads write the candidates music.

    The other candidate is Tracy Flick, from Election, who is currently a Senator and she has Eric from Billy Madison and Shooter Mcgavin running her campaign Rob Lowe’s and Christopher Walken characters from the Wayne Worlds movie as her media consultants,

    Flick is leading the whole time, until the final debate where Mike Donnelly quotes every great 90’s political movie and wins the election

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