Mike and Jonny Episode 1

Posted: August 28, 2012 by Jonny in Tangent Podcast

We are back and better than ever. Listen to Mike and Jonny talk about Todd Akin, Heavy Metal, and Avril and Chad’s marriage. It’s goofy it’s funny you’ll like it.

  1. Avi Yudkowsky says:

    hey guys! interesting show.

  2. ellie says:

    Awesome! Welcome back.

  3. Mirz says:

    Great show guys! I was listening and I got all, “Awww… I miss them…”

    You guys have a certain flare for discussing really explosive topics… 🙂

  4. Tammy says:

    Loving the final song… what is it?
    This was awesome to listen to Friday morning while dealing with numerous crises…
    Looking forward to the next episode!
    Also, if you don’t mind the heat, you could probably come record in our guest room. Or you could record in the living room (where there’s AC) and we’ll just have to be quiet.

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