In which we have half a thought on Hanukkah, see a flying phallus, and work out some anger about the terrorist attacks. SEASON FIVE FINALE
Posts Tagged ‘season 5’
Tangent Podcast with Mike and Jonny: S5E24 – Ensconced
Posted: December 14, 2018 by Maximum Mike in Tangent (No Music), Tangent PodcastTags: anger, baby, finale, infanticide, season 5, terroist
Tangent Podcast with Mike and Jonny: S5E1 – Celebrity Thanks
Posted: May 4, 2018 by Maximum Mike in Tangent (No Music), Tangent PodcastTags: celebrity, season 5
In which we cast the great Iran Caper, talk celebs and just enjoy being back! Season 5 is go!