10 Good Questions with Mystical Sun

Posted: August 22, 2012 by Jonny in The Rocking Chair Blog

1) Who is Mystical Sun? Where are you based?

I’m based in the San Francisco Bay area in California.

2) How did you come to this style of music?

I began working in this style back in 1991 when I started making music with tape loops and analog gear. I had this vision for a type of music that was like a soundtrack and cinematic. I’ve spent all my spare time since then developing my sound to match my original vision.

3) Do you have to prepare your mind to be in a certain state when you sit down to produce music?

Yes, I mediate before I start work on music and always make sure I’m in a mentally good space when I’m working. For me this music is a type of sound yoga.

4) Do you use any samples?

Sure all the time. Most of samples are ones that I make myself. I try to invent each sound to fit the song and I strive to use sounds that sound original and fresh.

5) Do you find it is easier to create music in the morning or the evening?

Evening, actually my main time is after midnight. The quiet of the deep night helps me tune out the chaos of the daytime so I can focus on a deeper sound.

6) You have many Eastern influences in your music. How did you first get inspired by that music?

Yes, Indian Classical Music is a big inspiration. I bought a CD by Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Khan in the early 90’s and was completely intoxicated by the music. ICM is one of the most ancient living musical traditions in the world. The focus on the drone in ICM is what draws me in.

7) What is the story behind the album 26000?

26000 is next in a series of albums I’ve planned, it’s part of a road map and there are a few more to follow. Powers of 260 have an interesting resonance, 260 is the number of days it takes for a human to develop from one cell to birth, 260 is the number of days in one of the Mayan calendars, 26000 is the number of years in the precession of the equinoxes and the Sun is ~26000 light-years from the galactic center. The name was appropriate for this moment in history on Earth.

[8)] Is there a live component to your music?

Yes, I play several stringed instruments live overdubbed on top of the carefully designed synthetic sounds and atmospheres. You will hear Guitar, Ukulele, Sitar and Sarod on 26000.

9) There is an important connection to Nature in your sounds. What natural setting inspires you the most?

Yes, I am greatly inspire by the sounds of nature, particularly birds. In fact every Mystical Sun album has had at least one track that had sampled bird sounds. To my ears birds sound like awesome synthesizers. I’m sure I will continue to use bird samples in the future as well, it’s a staple of my sound.

10) What are your plans for the next year?

I’m taking a hiatus from creating music until 2013 and focusing on mastering the Sarod and making music videos for 26000. Then in 2013 I’ll start work on the next album.

Thank you so much for your fascinating answers. I wish you all the best in the future!

For more information: www.mysticalsun.com

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