In which Jonny is finally recognized for the genius that he is, we clean up Chicago, there’s a horse, Nobel Peace Prizes, and Space Cops!

In which we visit Rabbi Riskin’s Residence For Riskids, go Holocaust hopping, discover Cleveland is a city, question musician’s control over content and find out the power is yours!!!!

In which we pitch a solution to the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict, Jonny becomes a god, school makes us rich as balls and of course, we complain about music.

In which we lob grenades, get specific, bronze our organs,  and for once, just this once, focus on the good.

In which we take a moment and remember all the celebs who were taken by Secret Nazis, the Illuminati, and 2016.  2 days left! Hold on to your beards, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

In which we go for the run of our lives, catch up with you, count the cm of our skirts and continue the challenge!

In which we give our take on the elections, not the results, but the reactions.

In which we celebrate wins, accept our losses, move onto bigger and better things and pitch some pitches about pitching.

In which we discuss cooking, Genesis, pitch an unwanted movie, new apps and discover how we truly personify the burned out day school generation. Oh, and poop.

In which we get super philosophical,  leave our children in caves, pitch your stories, and get a special visit from from a new friend.