Archive for the ‘Tangent Podcast’ Category

In which Jonny sweats, is played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, goes from beis to base, and we get a teacher of the year.

In which we review Superman Returns (13 years late), discuss what it takes to spiritually lead others, and most likely get infected.

In which Jonny #winning, Israel gets some cracker jacks, a 16 year old tells us like it is and we wish you a happy new year!

In which there is no way the elections will be as bad as our technical difficulties.

Tangent Podcast with Mike and Jonny: S6E9

Posted: September 8, 2019 by Maximum Mike in Tangent (No Music), Tangent Podcast

In which we talk strikes, protests, and something that’s actually important to us.

In which the audio sucks, somebody killed Epstein, BDS was barred and another week went by.

In which we compare glasses, figure ourselves out, compare crimes and take on gun violence.

In which Jonny cuts his hair , a legally innocent man is vindicated and barely a topic stays on track. #metoo

In which we breakdown SDCC, cross the street , tell some jokes and learn about our country.

In which we try to grasp white privilege, rewriting the past, raising kids diversity, and holy crap we could not stay on subject. Tangents galore! (sorry for the technical difficulties)